If there is a property in your neighborhood that could be classified as a nuisance, you may submit a form of concern. The form can be filled out online below or picked up during zoning hours at the Township office.
The Portage Township Property Nuisance Abatement Resolution:
The Board of Trustees of Portage Township, Ottawa County are permitted through Sections 505.87, and 5579.05 of the Ohio Revised Code to regulate the growing of noxious vegetation, nuisance vegetation, garbage, refuse, and other debris on property throughout the Township.
Vegetation: Any grass or weeds that exceeds an eighteen (18) inch height on properties that are:
- Lots in a platted subdivision with a structure.
- Vacant lots within plated residential subdivisions, or
- On parcels of land along improved streets in common usage within the Township.
This Resolution does not apply to:
- Land used for agricultural purposes including weeds in fields devoted to growing any small grain crops such as wheat, oats, barley, or rye.
- Portions of lots used for flower gardens, shrubbery or vegetable gardens.
- Naturally wooded areas, regulated wetlands or meadows.
- Areas designated as undeveloped open space.
Now Therefore, Be it Resolved by the Board of Trustees of Portage Township, Ottawa County, Ohio, that sections 505.87 and 5579.05 will be hereby enforced with the following procedures to be followed.
Complaint: A written nuisance form is received, a site inspection will be done with photos of the current conditions; if the concern meets ORC 505.87 and ORC 5579.05 conditions, the Board will pass a resolution declaring a nuisance requesting the property owner to abate, control or remove the nuisance within seven (7) days.
Notification of violation: The property owner will be contacted via certified mail, advising of the violation, and time period to abate, control or remove the nuisance. After the designated time period has expired, the site is re-inspected and its condition is noted on the complaint form. If the violation still exists, the Board will pass a resolution act upon the abatement and have the costs of doing so placed upon the property taxes as a lien. (ORC 505.87 (B)(2))
Portage Township shall not be responsible for damage to buildings, vehicles, landscape, trees, shrubs, etc., during the abating of the nuisance.