A yard waste drop-off bin, located on the west side of the township maintenance complex, is accessible during daylight hours for residents to drop off compostable material. Township employees regularly move the material to an off-site location where it can break down and become a nutrient-rich compost.
Acceptable material includes grass clippings, flower trimmings, vegetable garden waste, accumulations of unwanted plant material, sod, etc. If you bring materials in a bag or container, please take the bag/container home and reuse it, recycle it, or properly dispose of it.
Please do not leave items such as rocks, stone, beach debris, or stumps, which will not break down with the rest of the biodegradable material. Branches, sticks, and other woody materials should be left by the side of the road in front of your resident for the monthly curbside brush pick-up.
If you have a question about the suitability of material for the yard waste drop-off site, please call the maintenance garage at 419-732-3543 for clarification